UI-BA – User Interface – Project specific


The project specific user interface UI-BA is used for controlling an AUDEMO-SYSTEMS audio system by use of a Windows PC. 

In most of the cases, the user requirements are so specific that a standard user interface cannot fulfill all requirements. Therefore it is possible to get a project specific user interface. The user interface is running within a PC with Windows operating system (starting from Windows 7 to actual windows version). 

The PC can be operated with a standard monitor, keyboard, and mouse or with a touch monitor (requires Windows 10 or later).

The communication to the AUDEMO-SYSTEMS audio-system is done by an Ethernet-connection.

The user interface allows following standard functions:

● Control the volume of one or more input channels

● Control the volume of one or more output channels

● Control the volume of one or more matrix points (input to output matrix)

● Select an input source 

● Start predefined messages

● Show system warnings or errors

● Show system log

● Change time events

●  Size and color of control elements are widely adaptable to the requirements of the user.

● And even more…



Area of use

Data Sheets

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